Contact & reservations
You can request a reservation for a room or the studio via one of the reservation buttons. If you have any questions, for example about the choice of rooms, specific wishes or would you like to make an application for a group, we request that you fill in the form below. Experience shows that when planning the stay you want to take into account the available flights and availability on other B&B-s. We are happy to help you make the choices and can make a good proposal based on our availability. As a result, you will also benefit from the very best prices if you book directly with us. We guarantee you that.
The large reservation sites often report that there is no more availability. We advise you to contact us directly for the best service. Not all rooms can be booked through these sites.
Your reservation is only final when you have received a confirmation from us.
If you have any questions or would like more information about Quinta Vale Porcacho, please send an email to If you prefer to discuss the possibilities personally, you can of course also call us. We are very happy to help you. Below you can find our numbers.
Estate-B&B Quinta Vale Porcacho
Jan van Loon and Karin Immerzeel
Bairro António Maria Diniz 50
Póvoa de Midões
3420-201 Tábua
Telephone: 00351-235098005
Mobile: 00351-917030056
GPS-coordinates: 40 23’51.50″N – 7 58’05.21″W (H307)
Contact Form
Tell us how we can contact you.
B&B Quinta Vale Porcacho
Karin Immerzeel & Jan van Loon
Póvoa de Midões - Tábua
Licentienummer 5588/TR
+351 917 030 056
(Telefoonkosten volgens kosten eigen provider)
According to the law we have a complaints procedure.